Making own dictionary from words not listed in the normal English dictionary can be helpful specially for people who want to crack passwords based on some person's name, surname or native language words( Example Nepali word, Hindi Word etc). Since most of the word list that are used to hack into a system or crack passwords contain words from English dictionary, passwords such as name of person, surname of person, pet-name and specially words of native language aren't included in that word list as they aren't defined in the English dictionary. This is one the most crucial drawback of dictionary attack. Apart from selective words problem, dictionary attacks usually take lot of time cause they attempt all the words present in the word-list as passwords to crack the authentication system. If we make our own dictionary then it will also help in saving time. But making our own dictionary can only be helpful to only those people who have a hint to what the password might be and based on that guess create a word-list or dictionary of our own guesses. We can use crunch tool and commands to create a dictionary.
Crunch tool is an inbuilt tool in kali lnux, we can find the tool under Applications->Passwords Attacks->Crunch.
We can then create our own personal dictionary using crunch commands. There are many options available in crunch so if anybody wants to explore different commands and their working then we can always view the manual or help option in crunch. "crunch -man" will display manual and "crunch -h" will display the help option. In our case i will show a command that can be used to create our personal dictionary.
command: crunch 1 5 sunil -o /root/Desktop/sunil.txt
The command mentioned above will create all the permutation combination of words possible using letter/characters "sunil" and the permutation will begin with 1 letter/characters in consideration and end with all 5 letters./characters into consideration. '-o' here represents the output path and '/root/Desktop/sunil.txt' is the path along with the output file name. We can see the output that it generated, 3905 possible words combinations that it generated for word "sunil".
We can then also see that a file has been created as an output in the desktop as mentioned in the command.
After opening the file we can see all the possible words that it generated for characters "sunil"
We can also alter the choice of words by changing the command. For example if we want to skip 1st and 2nd character permutations and want to start with the 3rd character upto 5th characters then we can simply use the following command:-
command: crunch 3 5 sunil -o /root/Desktop/sunil.txt
Now there can be cases in which we want to include some special characters along with some specific set of characters in that case we can make use of the following command:-
command: crunch 5 7 sunil@$ -o /root/Desktop/sunil1.txt
The command will generate start generating 5 character words as we have mentioned that it will start from 5 characters including the special character and will generate till we get all possibility of 7 characters word.
We will get the output in similar manner. We can use special characters, numbers and even symbols in such manner and create our own personal directory. We can then later user this personal directory as a word-list and use it to crack passwords.
Simple real life application/example of this being used can be taken in a scenario/environment where english is not spoken much and people have very less knowledge of English words. In such environment people tend to keep their password in the language they understand or based on the persons name etc, we will not be able to use/find and download such word dictionary from internet. Hence, we will have to create a dictionary on our own and attack using words from the dictionary.
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