Windows registry analysis is an integral part of generating or gathering evidence against cyber crimes. Every operating system has its own file system and its own registry. The registry is a database of stored configuration information about the users, hardware, and software on a Windows system. Although the registry was designed to configure the system, to do so, it tracks such a plethora of information about the user's activities, the devices connected to system, what software was used and when, etc. All of this can be useful for the forensic investigator in tracking the who, what, where, and when of a forensic investigation.
In Case of windows registry, there are root folders. These root folders are referred to as hives. There are five (5) registry hives.
1. HKEY_USERS: contains all the loaded user profiles
2. HKEYCURRENT_USER: profile of the currently logged-on user
3. HKEYCLASSES_ROOT: configuration information on the application used to open files
4. HKEYCURRENT_CONFIG: hardware profile of the system at startup
There are five root keys or hives and then subkeys. In some cases, you have sub-subkeys. These subkeys then have descriptions and values that are displayed in the contents pane. Very often, the values are simply 0 or 1, meaning on or off, but also can contain more complex information usually displayed in hexadecimal.
We can check and access the registry by using the Regedit utility built into Windows. Simply type regedit in the search window and then click on it to open the registry editor or can write regedit.exe in the Run .
As a forensic investigator, the registry can prove to be a treasure trove of information on who, what, where, and when something took place on a system
As a forensic investigator, the registry can prove to be a treasure trove of information on who, what, where, and when something took place on a system
- Information that can be found in the registry includes:
- Users and the time they last used the system
- Most recently used software
- Any devices mounted to the system including unique identifiers of flash drives, hard drives, phones, tablets, etc.
- When the system connected to a specific wireless access point
- What and when files were accessed
- A list any searches done on the system
The Information mentioned above are just small set of information's that can be extracted from registry. A person who knows how to check registry and do analysis on it can easily tell all the activities that have been performed in the system in the past.
1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles
There, you will find a list of GUIDs of wireless access points the machine has been connected to. When you click on one, it reveals information including the SSID name and the date last connected in hexadecimal.
2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs
This registry will show the most recently used Word documents would be found under .doc or the .docx extension depending upon the version of Word they were created in (each key can hold up to the last 10 documents). If we go to the .docx extension, we see the last 10 Word documents listed under this key.
3. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs
User typed URL in Internet Explorer and their value is stored in this registry.
Similarly there are lots of information's that you can find inside a registry hence, it is highly suggested to explore them with a preferred idea or objective in the mind and obtain the information.
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